About European Scout Foundation

About the European Scout Foundation

The mission of the European Scout Foundation is:

  • To provide financial support for the development of Scouting in Europe, with main emphasis on projects, of National Scout Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • To develop the Friends of Scouting in Europe to raise money to support Scout projects. The Friends of Scouting, acting as Ambassadors, also help Scouting grow their personal contacts and expertise.
  • To increase the endowment capital in order to provide financial support for activities in their European Scout Region, such as seminars, events, publications, and operational support.

How can I contribute to the development of Scouting in Europe? You can help Scouting grow in Europe in many ways:

  • By joining the Friends of Scouting in Europe
  • Financing one or more projects from National Scout Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Making direct donation, by cheque or by bank transfer

The European Scout Foundation is ruled under Swiss law on foundations, exempted from Swiss taxes, and managed by Foundation Board in full cooperation with the European Scout Committee and the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

Officers of the European Scout Foundation

Jørgen G Rasmussen

Honorary Chairman

Vivian Fankhauser-Feitknecht


Johan Strid


Thomas Schüepp

Board member, Treasurer

Wouter Zilverberg

European Scout Committee

Milena Pecarski

Board member

Milos Popovic

Board member

Martin Meier

Board member

Bo Holmstrom

ESR Treasurer

Nora Lipp

Board member, legal advisor

Abir Koubaa

Regional Director

Country coordinators

Belgium – Luc “Ibis” Rubben – g.ibis@live.be

Denmark – Rikke Schejbel Neuenschwander – rikkesn@kfumspejderne.dk

Finland – Laura Grönlund – laura.gronlund@scout.fi

Finland – Juha Mäenalusta – juha.maenalusta@iki.fi

Germany – Kai Driesch – kdasco@posteo.de

France – Pierre Arlaud – parlaud@scout.org

France – Samuel Trouvé – samuel.trouve@eeudf.org

Greece – Joseph Dacoronias-Marina – Llama2sp@gmail.com

Norway – Knut Slettebak – knut.slettebak@gmail.com

Poland – Lukasz Anaszewicz – lukasz.anaszewicz@zhp.net.pl

Sweden – Monica Alsén – monica.alsen@gmail.com

Switzerland – Thomas “Kirk” Hirt – thomas.hirt@pbs.ch

UK – Alan Beavis – alanbeavis@fose-uk.org.uk

For all other countries, please contact Johan Strid – johan.strid@me.com directly.
If you are interested in becoming an active country coordinator, Johan is the right person to discuss it with.

Additional downloadable material about ESF

Most recent list of FOSE

Most recent financial report

Strategic planning report

Statutes of the European scout foundation (EN)

Fondation Européenne du Scoutisme – Statuts (FR)

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