Humanitarian help for Ukraine

Project Description

Our scout office, after contact with scout from Ukraine undertook to collect the most necessary things to organize medical aid, field hospitals, and support the scouts who went to the front. We could not remain indifferent to these actions of our peers in Ukraine. From the beginning of the action a whole lot of wonderful people responded to our appeal! The number of items collected exceeded our expectations! We are grateful for every, even the smallest help, the sum total of about 7 tons of gifts !! This help is very edifying, it restores faith in a better tomorrow.

Our friends could not believe in the number of gifts, but above all in their enormous value. We already managed to collect large amounts of dressing materials, first aid kits, medicines and medical supplies. In addition, we provided them with warm sleeping bags, mats, high-quality thermal clothing, trekking clothes, flashlights, powerbanks, batteries, power generators, walkie-talkies, freeze-dried food, energy bars, extension cords, gas burners, binoculars and other things they asked for.

Other scout offices from all over Poland joined the action. All the gifts collected with your help are already used by our friends from Ukraine. The transports went to Lviv, Kiev and further deep into Ukraine, where the needs are greatest. We stay in touch with Ukrainian scouts who bravely help the victims, organize field hospitals, provide humanitarian aid to refugees and civil protection, deal with communication and information, support the army. We want to continue to support their activities by organizing a further collection of the most necessary things.

Apart from collecting gifts, we raise funds, apply for funding, send requests to companies, entrepreneurs or other organizations. We organize collections to support them also financially in purchasing the necessary things. We also are trying to use our scout contacts to find cheaper ways to buy some equipment.

Expenses: Our biggest expense at the moment is fuel. Although we have various means of communication for free, there are fuel costs on our side. Current fuel prices in Poland are very high. In addition, we also try to take care of our volunteers by providing them with meals, snacks and hot drinks during work or on a long journey with transport.

Own sources: Our greatest contribution is the work of volunteers. Every day they sort and pack the collected gifts, take part in fundraising, and help with loading during transport. In addition, we cooperate with a forwarding company that lends trucks up to 3.5 tons for free. We lend office space for warehouses where collections take place and we collect the collected items. If there is not enough space, we also have scout magazines. Our volunteers work at night, on weekends for several hours, often after work, school or studies.

Support required from FOSE: 5 000 €

Project Details




The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association




Project Objectives

Our first actions were an immediate response to the crisis: we provided food and hygiene packages, blankets, sleeping bags and other items necessary for survival to our scout friends from Ukraine. At present, we provide medical supplies and equipment to help establish field hospitals and provide medical care to all refugees. We obtain articles not only through donation collections, but also from private companies, enterprises and wholesalers.

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