Build a sailboat

Project Description

Lithuanian Sea Scouts are celebrating their 100 years anniversary in 2022. For this occasion there will be a centennial regatta organised.

The idea of this regatta is to encourage sea scouts to work on their practical skills needed when doing a program in water. While the 100 years birthday is an important celebration for all the sea scouts, it is very important not only to have a great party and have fun but also to become a stronger organization so that the second hundred years would be even better than the first one.

The idea of the regatta arose in 2020 when sea scout group leaders pointed out that it would be an excellent method to invite younger scouts to work on their practical skill improvement during the year. Since then the idea was developed until the format was refined. The regatta consists of 4 parts distributed from March 2022 till November 2022.

The first three parts (one in spring, one in summer and one in autumn) will be a competition and the fourth part will be a celebration event where the awards will be given. There already was a pilot event where the format was tested and gave extremely good results with more than 50 scouts participating.

Regatta will have 3 different fields of exercises: swimming, sailing, rowing/paddling. During the rowing part there will be different types of boats used. Sailing regatta will have yachts of Optimist, Cadet and Laser classes. Swimming will take place in the swimming pool in spring and in lakes in summer. Participants will be divided into groups according to age and type of exercise (individual, pair, team). The number of participants is planned to be around 250. There are professionals invited for coaching. Winners of regatta will get valuable prizes, which support Sea Scouting competences and motivate them to continue activities.

Timeline of the project activities:

  • March 2022 Competition 1: swimming, canoeing, theory of sailing
    The opening of the regatta is symbolically planned the same day as the sea scouts were established one hundred years ago. It will take place in Kaunas, where the first scouts’ first unit appeared.
    The start of the regate will include – swimming activities in a swimming pool – canoeing in a river (for the venture scouts and rovers) – sailing theory where the knowledge of the participants will be checked.
  • July 2022 Competition 2: swimming, rowing and sailing
    After having several months to improve their skills, the participants are invited for the second round in July. It will take place near a small Lithunian town Trakai which has ~200 lakes around. For several days the lakes will be filled out by sea scouts who will be demonstrating their skills.
    The activities include: – rowing various types of boats – sailing with “optimists”, “lasers” and “cadets” – various swimming competitions
  • September 2022 Competition 3: rowing, sailing with jachts, swimming For the final competition the participants are invited to participate in the closing round. This part is essential for the regate as the winners will be determined.
    The activities include: – rowing with the boats having 4 rows – sailing with yachts – life saving technique competition
  • October 2022 Celebration event Finally, after three intense rounds of competition, all the participants will be invited into the celebration event in Klaipėda, near the sea. The winners will be rewarded and the gratitude for the organizers will be expressed. Thus a photography exhibition is planned to show the memories of the regate.
    Furthermore, educational activities will take place between the official parts so the event will be attractive to all age groups.


Competition 1 in March (2 days):

  • Rent of swimming pool (up until 100 participants) – 500€
  • Rent of canoes (12€ per person x 50 participants) – 600€
  • Food (20€ x 150 participant in total) – 3000€
  • Venue for staying for the night – 200€ Badges – 200€

Total: 4500€

Competition 2: swimming, rowing and sailing in summer (4 days)

  • Transporting team-rowing ships to/from the regate location – 500 €
  • Rent of the swimming equipment – 100 € Food (40 € x 200 participants) – 8 000 €
  • Campsite fee (20 € x 200 participants) – 4 000 €
  • Camping equipment transportation – 300 € Badges – 300 €

Total: 13 200 €

Competition 3: rowing and sailing in autumn (2 days)

  • Transportation of ships to the regate location – 500€
  • Food (20€ x 150 participant in total) – 3000€
  • Campsite fee (20 € x 150 participants) – 3000€
  • Camping equipment transportation – 200€
  • Badges – 200€ Total: 6900
  • Celebration event: celebration and awards in autumn (2 days)
  • Photos for the exhibition – 200€
  • Awards for the winners – 400€
  • Venue for the evening – 200€
  • Food – (20€ x 50 participant in total) – 1000€

Total: 1 800€

Total: 26 400 €

Own sources:

Participants fees:

  • Competition 1: 30 € * 150 participants = 4 500 €
  • Competition 2: 60 € * 200 participants = 12 000 €
  • Competition 3: 30 € * 150 participants = 4 500 €
  • Celebration event: 10 € * 50 participants = 500 €

Total: 21 500 €

Support required from FOSE: 4 900 €

Project Details




LS Jūrų skautai (LS Sea scouts)





Project Objectives

  1. To mention 100 years of Lithuanian Sea Scouting;
  2. To motivate young people for active leisure time activities;
  3. To increase interest of water sports and teamwork while implementing national sea scouting youth programme;
  4. Regatta is strengthening the competences of the local unit of sea scouts and reinforcing the idea of Lithuania as a marine country.

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